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I'm sorry...what the fUCK is the apparatus over the bed?

i really liked this game, very interesting and thought provoking experience overall and fun to play through the dialogue choices


are we all really just living in a simulation - 


It reminds me a lot of "kyle is famous."


this gaem is a accurate representation of real life rn


found a glitch that keeps letting you repeat a step

yeah I tried to let the person get me something and it just looped until I said i don't know


It tells me to get Firefox to run it. And I'm running Firefox. Yeah...



I was recommended your game from and I've read through your game and I really like the sound of it. If I have your permission, I'd love to do a recording of your game and post it to my YouTube channel.

Have a nice day!

Kimmy ^.^

You have full permission to do whatever you want to! :)


Thank you! I'll post a link to the video once I've uploaded it

^ . ^


its been an year, you done?


Apologizes, I have had issues, but I will do a recording on the game today


the return of the king




That glitchy jumpscare flashy screen is actually disturbing


NiklasG, really good game :-) Happy to have experienced it, and really appreciate you and your work. Thank you!

Very atmospheric game. Graphics are nice and colorful, but the writing takes the prize. More, please! :-)


I'm not sure if it's just me, but the windows download gives me a .X86 file. From what I have read, that's a Linux file type not a windows file type.  So I can't get the game to run on my windows and unfortunately that also means I can't record it. Any help would be very much appreciated as I do think this game looks interesting. Thank you. XD


Wow. It was me.


lol literally played as a beta

great game my dude, moar?!

(1 edit) (+1)

 Good game!


Nice little game, needs a main-menu/restart after finishing a path


It's interesting, but you really should put a warning about "This game may not be suitable for those who are currently suffering mental illness and/or suicidal thoughts."


Maybe, but not finding anything more disturbing than a psychology class


I'm a Psych major who also experianced suicidal feelings, I'd say those two things are pretty different. The ending was genuinely jarring and frightening to experiance. There should definately be a trigger warning for this game.


can´t run it


very interesting setup for a game. thanks!


Wow, im impressed.


Loving it instantly! Gonna play it once I make my side channel for games. One question though: what is this music? It sounds vaguely like the OST from Night In The Woods but maybe it's some other track. Please let me know :D


It is from nitw


pretty interesting, would enjoy messing with the characters again / 10

(1 edit) (+2)

Interesting thought.. I guess rooms really do shape us..

posted to /r/artgames


Thank you!! And thanks for introducing me to that sub! :D


Great game, but the ending wat weird - i'd need an explanation i guess :)


Thank you so much for playing Gabe!! :D


Man I loved to act like a dick on the first room. But after that, I really didn't follow what was going on :-\ Like WTF?!


Storytelling is hard within 48 hours x)

